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ShopForPaws.com is the place for all your pet supplies. Our goal is to create a shop that has quality products needed for pet lovers and their four legged family members. We offer a wide selection of pet supplies including cat and dog toys, pet wellness, pet beds, pet collars, and a pet grooming section with all the necessities. ShopForPaws.com is inspired to help pets in need. We are committed to donating a portion of every sale to non-profit organizations that help animals in need. I am grateful to have found a business that will allow me to be charitable to our animal community. As an online pet supply shop we are quite unique, as our mission is to provide animals lovers a place to shop for their pet products while also giving back to animals in need. We consider it our responsibility to make a positive impact in the animal community.
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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Let the Shopping Begin

As we clear the Thanksgiving Dinner table, eat pie, clean the dishes and say good-bye to our guest - what's on your mind?  Mine is getting my PJs on, cuddling up on the couch until the 9:00 hour strikes, and go to bed.  For many people though, it is quite different.  Many families have a great tradition of saying good-bye to family and start drafting out their strategic plans of what stores they will hit first and what discounts are most important. 

Black Friday has been a part of Thanksgiving Family Traditions since the 1960s.  According to BlackFriday.com (yes there is such a siteJ) the term “Black Friday” was coined in the 1960s to mark the kickoff of the Christmas shopping season.  The word “Black” refers to stores going from “red” to “black” when accounting records referred to red as being in the positive.  Visit the site for all the Black Friday History and ads.

So, what is it about Black Friday that has families taking off right after the Thanksgiving Dinner is over?  Maybe the amazing discounts and deals that stores only offer on this day?  Maybe it’s the thrill getting the door busters before anyone else?  Or, maybe it’s something even bigger than that?  Maybe it the tradition of family working together, making the plan, executing the plan and having the bond and togetherness that starts the holiday season together having fun and being teammates to accomplish snagging the big deals of the season

I admit I have gone out a few years with my sister and it was a blast.  We made a plan of action and met up at the stores around 2:00 am.  We got great deals, but honestly, today I couldn’t tell you what we bought, I can tell you however, the stories of how much fun we had.   I have since moved away, so I don’t get to share in the tradition with her, except for those years when I am home for the holidays.  Now I have triplet boys that are 19 years old and they have made this family tradition with their friends.  For the past few years they and 3 to 4 other friends head out after the turkey and pie are put away and start shopping.  For them it is all about the fun – not necessarily getting the best deals.

So, if this is part of your family tradition, get your sneakers on, grab your list, and go get those deals.  Here is a great link that I found with all the Black Friday deals…ENJOY.

If you would rather stay home in the comfort of your home - wait for Cyber Monday Sales on December 1st.  Here a list of great items that will be available http://www.cybermonday2014.com/

ShopforPaws.com has our own Black Friday Sale and Cyber Monday Sale.  Follow us on facebook or twitter.  We post all of our upcoming sales on our social media sites.  

No Matter How You Choose to Start Your Christmas Shopping Season Have a Wonderful Time.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A home for the holidays: 
No adoption fee for senior pets.

November is adopt a senior pet month, so most, if not all, animal services are waiving the adoption fees for all “senior” dogs and cats.  Senior animals range from 6 years to 8 years and older, depending on where you live or what agency you are planning to adopt from. 

Many people automatically think “puppy” or “”kitten” when they are ready to add a new dog or kitten to their family.  Puppies and kittens are cute and cuddly, so who can blame anyone for wanting to adopt one.  However, puppies and kittens demand lots of attention, patience, and training to help them become a wonderful member of the family.  Honestly, I am one of those people then can not resist a cute little puppy or kitty, but the older I get the more I realize the need for families to adopt senior animals, as well as how wonderful it would be to have that older pet come into my home and not have all that additional potty trainingJ  I have come to realize the older dogs and cats can be just as cute and lovable as puppies or kittens and they often come with wonderful qualities that take years for puppies and kittens to grow into.

If you are anything like me, you may be reluctant to adopt an older dog or cat because you fear the time that you may have with your new furry friend may be limited.  I have come to realize that every day, every moment that we can love and share a special bond with an older pet makes that time even more special.  Knowing that we can give an older dog or cat a second chance at life will give us comfort when the time comes that we can no longer help them. 

Adopting a senior dog or cat can be wonderful experience for you and your new pet, so here
are just a few great reasons to choose a senior pet over a 
puppy or kitten.

Senior pets have an unwavering devotion to their new family.
Senior pets are instant companions.
Senior pets are typically housetrained or box trained.
Senior pets won’t chew like puppies.
Senior pets are calmer.
Many senior pets from rescue groups are already trained, medical exams, shots, spayed or neutered.
Senior pets make perfect companions for Senior People.
Adopting a senior dog or cat saves a life!

I want to share a few resources with you about adopting senior pets and the great non-profits that continually do amazing work to help dogs and cats find their forever homes. 

AdoptaPet.com has many resources available to help you find the perfect pet.  Visit this link for great information about adopting pets nationwide: http://www.adoptapet.com/adopt-a-senior-pet   If you are like me, you don’t like to hear statistics, but according to AdoptaPet, 25% of pets in shelters are purebreds and approximately 4 million pets are put to sleep each year due to overpopulation.  This non-profit Senior Pet adoption service is sponsored by the pet lovers at Purina and Advantage II.    

Cesar Millan’s top 7 reasons to adopt a senior dog: http://www.cesarsway.com/dog-care/senior-dog/7-Reasons-to-Adopt-a-Senior-Dog

Top Ten Reasons To Adopt an Older Dog:

I have been a member of ASPCA for a few years now, and they have wonderful resources for the most vulnerable pets in our country.  Not only does this link give you great reasons to adopt a senior pet, but it also provides a section for “pets that are available for adoption”, tips for adoption, FAQ on adoption, and many more resources.

Find Your New Best Friend.... 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Giving Thanks For the Pets in Our Lives...

As the weather begins to change and leaves turn to yellow, orange and red I begin to think of Thanksgiving.  It’s a time we stop and think about all the blessings in our lives and give thanks for all that we have. 

I am blessed in many ways, I have a wonderful husband, three amazing boys, my Mom and sisters and tons of extended family. It’s been a tough year with many losses including losing
my Dad in April, my dog Rocco and my 16 year old cat Tonny – losing the ones we love is difficult, but we find ways to move forward and keep the happy memories in our hearts.  To say the least it was an incredibly tough year, but with all the loss came joy, as I decided to start following my passion in life, and that is my love for animals.

I am truly blessed and thankful for everyone in my life including all the pets.  With the heartache I have felt in the past year, it seems I always turn to my pets to make me smile.  Of course my family is always there for me and their love gets me through the tough times, but there is something about a wet nose and furry coat to hug on when I’m feeling down.  My pets always give me unwavering love and devotion. Pets have no idea what bad or good is going on in our life, but when we cry they are sad, when we laugh they play, when we mess up they do not judge us.   

We recently brought a new chocolate lab into our home.  Her name is Callie and she fits right in with two other labs and bassette hound, Jett, Bear and Bailey.  From the time our
Callie joined our family there has been new life in our home.  I am thankful every day I come home to my four wagging tails, waiting excitedly to say hello.  No matter how my day has gone, I know I can walk through the door and be greeted with pure unconditional love.  One of my favorite parts of the day is taking my dogs for their car ride.  The joy in their faces as they feel the wind on their noses makes me realize how simple life can be.

For the past 9 years my boys and I have had a wonderful tradition during the Thanksgiving season.  During the holiday season we get the list of items needed from our local animal shelter, Dumb Friends League in Denver Colorado.  The list consists of many pet supplies including paper towels, dog food, cat food, kitty litter, cat and dog toys and many other items necessary to keep the shelter running.  My boys and I make a day of going to the stores and buying up as much as our budget can handle.  Each of us takes a copy of the list and decides individually what we want for the pets in need.  It’s so much fun to see what we each of us picks.  We then take the bags of goodies and deliver it straight to the shelter.  I love the idea that we make it a family day and we know that every penny that we are spending goes directly to the animals in need.   

There is so much to be thankful for throughout the year, so as Thanksgiving Day approaches and we begin to plan the dinner menu, make those reservations, decorate the house – take a break, and give thanks for the pets in your life and give back to those pets in need.

What better time than Thanksgiving to give gratitude for the pets in our home and help
with those still looking for their forever home.  So, sometime between now and over-indulging on turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and football - I would love to have you share something pet-related that you are thankful for.  In addition, if you don’t already have a special tradition of helping animals in need, start one and share your story with us. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Shop for Paws

Welcome to Shop for Paws!

Following a Passion:
ShopForPaws.com is the place for all your pet supplies.  Our goal is to create a shop that has everything needed for pet lovers and their four legged family members.  We offer a wide selection of pet supplies including dog toyspet wellnessdog bedsdog collars, and a dog grooming section with all the necessities.  In addition to dog products, ShopForPaws.com has a wide selection of  cat supplies including, cat toyscat bedscat trees and houses and the best pet accessories selection.  We also have a selection of unique and hard to find items for pet lovers, including a pet remembrance selection and great gift ideas for both pets and people who love their pets.  We carry a great assortment of high-end quality products.
ShopForPaws.com is inspired to help pets in need.  I am grateful to have found a business that will allow me to be charitable to our animal community.  ShopForPaws.com donates a portion of every sale to animal rescue organization that are dedicated to finding unwanted animals forever loving homes.  
As an online pet supply shop we are quite unique, as our mission is to provide animals lovers a place to shop for their pet products while also giving back to animals in need.  We consider it our responsibility to make a positive impact in the animal community.
ShopForPaws.com has a unique goal for the future.  Follow us on FacebookTwitter Pinterest or our Blog and help us to create a one stop site by referring your favorite animal friendly business by emailing us at shopforpaws5referral@gmail.com.

My name is Cece Garza, owner of ShopForPaws.com. Animals have always been my passion and I am excited to offer pet lovers a place to get quality pet product while giving back to the animals with the greatest need.  Our commitment is to give back to the places that are helping to provide for animals with the greatest need and those waiting to find their forever home. I will be working closely with rescue groups and shelters around the country to determine which will receive the donations based on need.  I am grateful to everyone that is giving back to the commitment of helping every pet find a loving family.
Thank You for shopping at Shopforpaws.com

Every time you shop for your pet supplies at ShopForPaws.com you help support animals in need.